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Corporate finance and investment solutions

Finance facing forward

Corporate clients

Lending platforms

Real estate & infrastructure

Investors & Financiers

For a changing world

Finance facing forward

Roodhals is an independent corporate finance firm that advises companies, entrepreneurs and investors on capital and funding solutions. We (re)structure and arrange the capital you require to sustainably implement your strategy or transactions.

The markets for capital and funding are changing continually and, at times, dramatically. By providing independent advice, Roodhals empowers companies and entrepreneurs to successfully navigate developments in the world of finance. We are committed to successfully putting our advice into practice: creating solutions that work.

Roodhals Capital is incorporated in the Netherlands with its office in The Hague.


2024 Market Place Lending event

On 23 May we hosted our second annual summit about market place lending. Please click here for a review of the event. 


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